John Kevin Dayao @kevind
293.4K 36 25
MS3, UC San Diego School of Medicine Interested in pediatrics and community-based medicine.
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22 results
Celiac Artery Trunk Anatomy - Arterial Branches
1) Common Hepatic Artery
2) Splenic Artery
3) Left Gastric Artery


Celiac Artery Trunk Anatomy - Arterial Branches 1) Common Hepatic Artery 2) Splenic Artery 3) Left Gastric Artery By #Celiac #Artery #Arterial #Branches #Trunk #Anatomy
Coins on Chest XRay - Trachea vs Esophagus

Coins in the sagittal plane on X-ray are more
Coins on Chest XRay - Trachea vs Esophagus Coins in the sagittal plane on X-ray are more likely to be in the trachea than in the esophagus. #Coins #ChestXRay #Trachea #Esophagus #Peds #Pediatrics #CXR #Radiology #Comparison #Clinical
Anisocoria algorithm - Solid arrows indicate recommended approaches to diagnosis. Dotted arrows indicate optional workup. 

Anisocoria algorithm - Solid arrows indicate recommended approaches to diagnosis. Dotted arrows indicate optional workup. #Anisocoria #algorithm #ophthalmology #diagnosis #differential
#Preseptal #Postseptal #Orbital #Cellulitis #Periorbital #comparison #diagnosis
#Preseptal #Postseptal #Orbital #Cellulitis #Periorbital #comparison #diagnosis
Algorithm for the Evaluation and Localization of Diplopia #Diagnosis #EM #Ophtho #Diplopia #Localization #Cranial #Nerve #Algorithm
Algorithm for the Evaluation and Localization of Diplopia #Diagnosis #EM #Ophtho #Diplopia #Localization #Cranial #Nerve #Algorithm #Differential #Ddxof
Anaphylaxis: Signs and Symptoms
Anaphylaxis: when any egg of three conditions is met:
1. Acute onset of skin/mucosal
Anaphylaxis: Signs and Symptoms Anaphylaxis: when any egg of three conditions is met: 1. Acute onset of skin/mucosal involvement with 2 1 of' • respiratory compromise • hypotension 2. Rapid onset of symptoms after exposure to a likely allergen with >2 of: • skin/mucosal symptoms • respiratory symptoms • hypotension • persistent GI symptoms 3. Hypotension after exposure to known allergen Note: Severity of symptoms in the acute phase does not necessarily predict occurrence of late phase symptoms Signs / Symptoms / Complications: • Abdominal cramping, vomiting, diarrhea • Wheezing, dyspnea, hypoxia • Angioedema • Flushing • Hypotension -> Circulatory collapse -> - Neurological Compromise (e.g. syncope, seizures) - Cardiac Compromise (e.g. arrythmias, ischemia) • Urticaria • Angioedema #Anaphylaxis #pathophysiology #immunology #diagnosis #signs #symptoms
Anaphylaxis: Pathogenesis
Anaphylaxis is a Type 1 hypersensitivity reaction
While the primary mechanism of anaphylaxis is mast cell
Anaphylaxis: Pathogenesis Anaphylaxis is a Type 1 hypersensitivity reaction While the primary mechanism of anaphylaxis is mast cell activation, basophils and eosinophils may also play a role Inappropriate mast cell activation => Immediate Phase (seconds-minutes) => Mast cell degranulation -> release of preformed mediators => • Histamine • Lipid mediators (e.g. prostaglandins, leukotrienes) • Other mediators (e.g. PAF, tryptase, TNF) • Additional production of inflammatory mediators (e.g. cytokines, chemokines) => • Vasodilation • Increased vascular permeability • Smooth muscle contraction in airways • Increased mucus secretion • Recruitment of inflammatory cells • ANS activation => Anaphylaxis #Anaphylaxis #pathophysiology #immunology
Clonus continuous in a patient with cervical myelopathy. 

- Daniel Kaplan, MD FACP @DMKapMD

#clonus #ankle #physicalexam
Clonus continuous in a patient with cervical myelopathy. - Daniel Kaplan, MD FACP @DMKapMD #clonus #ankle #physicalexam #neurology #clinical #video
Afferent Pupillary Defect

An afferent pupillary defect passing through its timeline. The pupil that does not react
Afferent Pupillary Defect An afferent pupillary defect passing through its timeline. The pupil that does not react to the light returns to its neutral state when it is illuminated. The impression of dilation occurs because it was still under the effect of the consensual reflex. via @neurologiabr #Afferent #Pupillary #Defect #clinical #video #neurology #ophthalmology #PhysicalExam #RAPD
Positive Lachman test in ACL Injury

Here is an exam of a patient under anesthesia with an
Positive Lachman test in ACL Injury Here is an exam of a patient under anesthesia with an ACL tear. You’ll notice the looseness of the knee during the exam. That causes the knee to buckle during running and cutting activities. via Dr. Jason Hammond @dr.jasonhammond #Lachmans #test #ACL #Knee #Injury #Positive #ACLTear #clinical #video #PhysicalExam #Sports #Ortho #anterior #cruciate #ligament #msk