John Kevin Dayao @kevind
289.5K 36 25
MS3, UC San Diego School of Medicine Interested in pediatrics and community-based medicine.
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8 results
swollen knee algorithm #ortho #knee #swollen #algorithm #injury
swollen knee algorithm ... #ortho #knee #swollen ... #algorithm #injury
Algorithm for diagnosing a patient with a swollen red eyelid #aafp #ophthalmology #algorithm #diagnosis #swollen #red
Algorithm for diagnosing ... with a swollen red ... ophthalmology #algorithm ... diagnosis #swollen #red
Anatomy of the knee 

#knee #anatomy #orthopedics #diagram #msk
Anatomy of the knee ... #knee #anatomy
Macroglossia in Light-Chain Amyloidosis- Physical examination revealed macroglossia, with indentations from the teeth (Panel A)...A biopsy
birefringence after Congo red
Commotio retinae From Tripathy K, Chawla R. Extensive commotio retinae involving peripheral retina. Natl Med J
Natl Med J India
Figure 2 summarizes an approach to the early diagnosis of dementia. (Figure was made in 2001)
diagnosis #dementia #algorithm
Bitot's Spots- A 4-year-old boy was brought by his father to the ophthalmology clinic with a
dysfunction of rod
Corrigan’s Pulse and Quincke’s Pulse- ...While the patient was sitting upright, the right carotid artery was
well as the nail bed