John Kevin Dayao @kevind
289.2K 36 25
MS3, UC San Diego School of Medicine Interested in pediatrics and community-based medicine.
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26 results
Laryngocele- ...On physical examination, he had nontender, compressible swelling in the left cervical region that transmitted
left false vocal cord ... and true vocal cords
...Typically, term babies are appropriate for gestational age (AGA) when their weights fall between 5lb 12oz
for gestational age ... (AGA) when their ... about 7 pounds is AGA ... clinical #newborn #peds ... #pediatrics #AGA
This is another example of facial bruising. Here again the face appears to be cyanotic (including
bruising #newborn #peds
Plain radiography of the abdomen revealed calcification of both adrenal glands. A homozygous mutation in LIPA
#clincial #peds
perioral cyanosis- A blue color around the lips and philtrum is a relatively common finding shortly
clinical #photo #peds
...this infant is large for gestational age (LGA) with a birth weight of about 9 1/2
for gestational age ... (LGA) with a birth ... the umbilical cord ... features of an LGA ... #large #peds #pediatrics
Meconium stained umbilical cord- This cord is about 7 hours old at the time of the
stained umbilical cord ... - This cord is about ... even though the cord ... photo #newborn #peds ... stain #umbilical #cord
Acute Dacryocystitis- A 4-week-old boy was brought to the emergency department after having drainage from both
clinical #photo #peds
Whistling Cough- A 4-year-old boy presented to the otorhinolaryngology outpatient clinic with a 2-day history of
#chest #xray #peds
Esophageal Atresia and Tracheoesophageal Fistula- An infant had an apneic episode at birth and received positive-pressure
and 6 months of age