Pathnologic @pathnologic
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This myxoma measured 5 cm!  Kinda looks like a Medjool date. 

- William Suh, MD

@willsuh76 #Clinical ... #Gross #Pathology ... #Cardiac #Myxoma
LAMP2 cardiomyopathy in a 12-year-old boy with sudden death (Table 1; patient #1). A. At autopsy,
Adjacent cardiac ... #Clinical #Gross
Here are the morphological hallmarks of Rhabdomyosarcoma.

 - Broken arrow sign 

 - tad-pole rhabdomyoblasts
Wraith cells - Cross ... Pathology #Microscopy #Clinical
Aldosteronoma — Spironolactone Bodies 

1. Spironolactone is often used to treat hypertension caused by hyperaldosteronism, and
Bodies #Pathology #Clinical ... #Gross #Microscopy
Amiodarone induced thyroid changes

Histopath: Remarkably enlarged follicles, distended with colloid, without 
scalloping, and lined by flattened
patients have cardiac ... AIT #Pathology #Clinical
How to distinguish a metamyelocyte from a band neutrophil.

- Kyle Bradley, MD

#Clinical #Pathology #Microscopy #Blood #Smear
KyleBradleyMD #Clinical
Sickle cell anemia and Howell Jolly bodies (nuclear remnants).

 - Dr. Abubaker Elshaikh

#SickleCell #HowellJolly #Body #Bodies
Hematology #Smear #Clinical
Post-splenectomy blood smear demonstrating Howell-Jolly bodies and target cells.

#Clinical #Pathology #BloodSmear #HowellJollyBodies #TargetCells #Splenectomy #Asplenic
#Clinical #Pathology
Comparison of basophils and mast cells (in bone marrow).

#Basophils #MastCells #Pathology #Marrow #Smear #Microscopy #Comparison #Table
Comparison #Table #Clinical
Leukoerythroblastosis and myelophthisic anemia can be associated with any marrow-replacing process. In this case, the likely
Smear #Microscopy #Clinical