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9 results
Urinary Casts in the setting of renal disease
#Clinical #Nephro #Urine #Microscopy #Casts #Comparison #Chart #ATN #AIN
Clinical #Nephro #Urine ... Microscopy #Casts #Comparison
Urine Microscopy Guide

#Diagnosis #Path #Nephrology #Urine #Microscopy #Chart #Guide #atlas
Urine Microscopy ... Path #Nephrology #Urine
Comparison of basophils and mast cells (in bone marrow).

#Basophils #MastCells #Pathology #Marrow #Smear #Microscopy #Comparison #Table
Comparison of basophils ... Smear #Microscopy #Comparison
These are oxalate crystals, which look like little envelopes (or tetrahedrons, depending upon your point of
#Path #Nephro #Urine
How to distinguish a metamyelocyte from a band neutrophil.

- Kyle Bradley, MD

#Clinical #Pathology #Microscopy #Blood #Smear
#Neutrophils #Comparison
How to distinguish a metamyelocyte from a band neutrophil.

Metamyelocyte: The nucleus is indented to less than
band #neutrophil #comparison
Muddy Brown Casts in ATN
#Clinical #Path #Nephro #Urine #Microscopy #MuddyBrownCasts #ATN
#Path #Nephro #Urine
These are granular casts, with a roughly rectangular shape.
#Clinical #Urine #Microscopy #Granular #Casts #GranularCasts
#Clinical #Urine
Rhabdoid Cells versus Rhabdomyoblastic Cells

Rhabdoid Cells:

• Prominent nucleolus 

• Paranuclear inclusions 

• Pleomorphism Ø 

Rhabdomyoblastic #Comparison