Rachel Suk @rachelsuk
125.3K 42 20
Graduated with a B.S. in Psychobiology at UC Davis. Working as a Junior Specialist for the Duration of Untreated Psychosis (DUP) Project within the UC Davis TCAN Lab. Applying to the 2019-2020 medical school application cycle. Interests in Internal Medicine and Psychiatry.
Contributor Ranks
9th #radiology 9th #medications 9th #diabetes 10th #ultrasound 10th #primarycare 5th #xray 9th #evaluation 9th #sign 5th #dm2 7th #psychiatry 4th #guidelines 10th #emergency 6th #ct 6th #anesthesia 9th #timeline 9th #patientinfo 7th #trauma 3rd #mri 6th #assessment 7th #venous 7th #brain 2nd #bmj 9th #knee 10th #aortic 10th #neck 3rd #type2 7th #nerve 5th #antibiotic 2nd #dvt 5th #fracture 5th #score 6th #progression 6th #cirrhosis 7th #headache 7th #cancer 3rd #insulin 8th #spine 8th #spinal 8th #bone 4th #changes 9th #thoracic 10th #calcium 9th #gi 8th #gastric 7th #pneumothorax 3rd #ortho 3rd #thrombosis 5th #cervical 5th #cns 2nd #fluoroscopy 6th #hands 10th #tuberculosis 8th #leg 1st #nice 6th #ulcer 3rd #ent 6th #pancreatitis 3rd #lumbar 4th #uterine 3rd #plexus 2nd #block 3rd #brachial 6th #breast 3rd #tumor 3rd #interscalene 2nd #supraclavicular 4th #cyst 6th #tb 7th #depression 4th #vesicular 4th #vesicular 3rd #referral 4th #hepatitis 5th #sagittal 3rd #cysts 3rd #vertebrae 5th #abdomen 4th #epilepsy 2nd #wound 5th #wall 4th #anxiety 4th #pancreas 6th #stomach 2nd #mammogram 4th #hearingloss 4th #cholecystitis 2nd #cthead 3rd #thumb 3rd #study 4th #pad 2nd #perforation 2nd #lymedisease 4th #rheumatoidarthritis 3rd #lesion 5th #osteoporosis 2nd #fibroadenoma 2nd #pneumoperitoneum 5th #vaccine 1st #deepvein 4th #uterus 3rd #tension 2nd #bubble 2nd #children 3rd #dsm5 2nd #ventricle 2nd #newborns 3rd #bpd 2nd #double 2nd #apgar 2nd #orofacial 1st #wells 3rd #atherosclerosis 4th #diverticula 3rd #fish 3rd #tibial 2nd #epiglottitis 3rd #lipoma 3rd #exocrine 1st #spiral 3rd #recovery 1st #calcification 2nd #cerebralpalsy 2nd #mcps 2nd #epiglottis 2nd #menstruation 1st #dressing 3rd #tapeworm 1st #hippain 2nd #peripheralarterydisease 2nd #calcinosis 1st #maisonneuve 1st #dosage 1st #tubercle 1st #ald 1st #bipolardisorder 1st #speech 2nd #rigler 1st #annular 1st #adenomyosis 1st #vhl 1st #pseudopapillary 1st #gastro-oesophagealreflux 1st #spt 1st #floatingaortasign 1st #pellegrini-stieda 1st #cavitating 1st #blountdisease 1st #gastrointenstinal 1st #adrenoleukodystrophy 1st #fibroadenolipomas 1st #bowing 1st #cedell 1st #colloid 1st #abdominalsurgery 1st #pips 1st #nidus 1st #breasthamartomas 1st #striatopallidodentate 1st #bariumswallow 1st #stieda 1st #frantz 1st #felineoesophagus 1st #parenchyma 1st #epiphrenic 1st #tibiavara 1st #fibroids 1st #osteoma 1st #popcorn 1st #gastro 1st #riglersign 1st #galbladder 1st #abdominalcavity 1st #fahr 1st #biconcave 1st #vonhippellindau 1st #oesophagus 1st #nuerocysticercosis 1st #rpmass 1st #mesenchymal 1st #hamoudi 1st #mva85a 1st #osteoid 1st #doublewallsign 1st #retroperitonealmass 1st #baker's 1st #mammo 1st #oesophagealshiver 1st #scalpel 1st #esophogram 1st #laparoscopicsurgery 1st #animalstudies
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