Giselle Falconi, MD @GFalconi
489.2K 188 104
Giselle is passionate about health care disparities, interprofessional education and culturally competent care. She is originally from Peru and is interested in pursuing a fellowship in Geriatric Medicine after residency.
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8 results
ACIP recs:
- ACAM2000 is a clonal derivative of Dryvax
 -Extensive data about Dryvax helped inform recommendations
ACIP recs: - ACAM2000 ... MonkeyPox #Prevention #ACIP ... #Orthopox
#MonkeyPox #Clinicopathology #Orthopox
Clinicopathology #Orthopox
#Differential #Clinicopathology #MonkeyPox #OrthoPox
#SmallPox #Variola
Clinicopathology #MonkeyPox #OrthoPox
“Laboratory testing for suspected smallpox”
#Diagnosis #Smallpox #Orthopox
Diagnosis #Smallpox #Orthopox
“ Vaccination site 10 days after vaccination in first-time vaccinee” 
#DryVax #SmallPox #OrthoPox
DryVax #SmallPox #OrthoPox
Treatment of smallpox patients generally involves supportive care. Vaccination with replication-competent smallpox vaccines (i.e., ACAM2000 and
#SmallPox #OrthoPox
“ Clinical laboratories should follow these guidelines when collecting specimens for monkeypox virus:

Collect at least two
Clinicipathology #MonkeyPox #OrthoPox

Preferred procedure in pregnant women and in patients allergic to IV contrast.
Not dependent on the composition
and detects uric-acid