Giselle Falconi, MD @GFalconi
489.3K 188 104
Giselle is passionate about health care disparities, interprofessional education and culturally competent care. She is originally from Peru and is interested in pursuing a fellowship in Geriatric Medicine after residency.
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"Normal Kidney" by

#Pocus #nephrology #kidney #ultrasound #diagnosis #management #clinical
"Normal Kidney" ... #Pocus ... #nephrology #kidney

Preferred procedure in pregnant women and in patients allergic to IV contrast.
Not dependent on the composition
Kidney Stone ... #Clinical #POCUS
Lister's tubercle aka dorsal tubercle of the distal end of the radius.  It's a bony
ExtensorPollicisLongus #Diagnosis #POCUS
Numerous drugs taken by elderly persons can affect water balance by direct action on the kidney
action on the kidney ... action on the kidney
"There are really three places where free fluid can potentially collect in the left upper quadrant
between spleen and kidney
Normal Shoulder Anatomy on POCUS

#POCUS #Ultrasound #Clinical #MSK #Shoulder #normalshoulder
Shoulder Anatomy on POCUS ... #POCUS #Ultrasound
Acute renal colic
#Clinical #POCUS #RenalColic #Doppler
colic #Clinical #POCUS
 "Ultrasonography of the right hypochondrium visualizing a pleural effusion (asterisk)" - McMaster Textbook of Internal
PleuralEffusion #Pulmonary #POCUS
Beyond the classic trauma patient during your E-Fast Exam, who else does the Sono-Pros scan?
- Primary
#pneumothorax #POCUS
Supportive & Palliative Care Indicators Tool (SPICT)

The SPICT is used to help identify people whose health
or wishes to focus