Mark Ramzy @MRamzyDO
84.5K 26 20
Critical Care and Emergency Medicine Doc, Paramedic, REBEL EM and EPMonthly Author, emDOCs Editor, interested in all things FOAMed! Passionate about baking cheesecakes, changing how we educate and presentation design. Follow me on Twitter:
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14 results
Flexor Tenosynovitis

And of course don't forget Kanavel's Criteria:
1. Tenderness along course of finger
2. Symmetrical swelling of
Flexor Tenosynovitis ... And of course ... Flexed posture of ... Clinical #Sign #Hand ... #MSK #Diagnosis
Tachycardia - Differential Diagnosis Framework
 • Regular: Sinus Tachycardia, Junctional Tachycardia, Atrial Tachycardia, Atrial Flutter, AVRT
- Differential Diagnosis ... #Differential #Diagnosis
PEA Arrest Algorithm incorporating POCUS

- by Mark Ramzy DO, EMT-P @MRamzyDO

#PEA #Arrest #Algorithm #POCUS #Diagnosis #Narrow
Algorithm #POCUS #Diagnosis
Tranexamic Acid - Indications and Pharmacology
 • MOA: Inhibits plasminogen activation to plasmin & inhibits fibrinolysis
- Indications and
Ketamine - Common Myths, Indications, Dosing and Adverse Effects
 - Analgesia
 - Depression
 - Agitation
Indications, Dosing and
COVID-19 Phenotypes - Implications for Respiratory Support Management

L Phenotype
 - Low Elastcnce (High Compliance)
 - Low
Phenotypes #Variations #Diagnosis
Pneumothorax Diagnosis on M-Mode

Left Lung: Normal sliding, sandy beach appearance

Right Lung: No lung sliding, Barcode Sign!

Pneumothorax Diagnosis ... #Sign #POCUS #Diagnosis
Setting up AC and SIMV on an LTV

#Ventilator #Criticalcare #Clinical #Airway
Setting up AC and
Atrial Fibrillation w/incomplete RBBB, Prolonged QTc (510ms), TWI in Leads III, V2 and V3. Inconsistent electrical
Leads III, V2 and
GRACE-1 Guidelines for Adult Patients with Recurrent Low-Risk Chest Pain

1) Pain > 3 hours - A
years - No further diagnostic ... pain - Depression and ... healthcare use and ... Referral for anxiety and