Algorithms in Medicine @MatthewHoMD
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Matthew Ho, MD PhD
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8 results
Diffuse large B cell lymphoma (DLBCL) - Management and Treatment Algorithm

By Matthew Ho, MD PhD @MatthewHoMD

Diffuse large B cell lymphoma ... #large #Bcell #lymphoma ... Treatment #Algorithm #oncology
Treatment Approach to Hodgkin's Lymphoma

By Matthew Ho, MD PhD @MatthewHoMD
With Credit: Dr Sunita Nasta and Dr
Approach to Hodgkin's Lymphoma ... #Hodgkins #Lymphoma ... #oncology #Hematology
Suspected Celiac Disease - Diagnosis Algorithm

Celiac disease suspected:
 • Signs and symptoms of celiac disease
collagenous sprue) • Lymphoma
Oncology Algorithm for the Management of Suspected Epidural Spinal Cord Compression (ESCC)

Suspected ESCC: Pain, weakness, numbness/paresthesias,
Oncology Algorithm ... Algorithm #Management #oncology
Approach to Thrombocytosis - Elevated Platelet Count - Differential Diagnosis Algorithm

Peripheral Smear concerning for malignancy?
Metastatic cancer, Lymphoma
Neutropenic Fever Management Algorithm

Temperature > 38°C and ANC < 500/µL

#Neutropenic #Fever #neutropenia #oncology #Management #Algorithm
#neutropenia #oncology
Tumor Lysis Syndrome - Workup and Management

Initial workup: BMP, Serum uric acid, LDH, Urine output, Consider
diagnosis #management #oncology
Melanoma Treatment Algorithm

Resectable vs Inoperable Disease

Matthew Ho, MD PhD @MatthewHoMD and Aakash Desai, MD @ADesaiMD

#Melanoma #Treatment
#dermatology #oncology