6 results
Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder (ADHD): Pathogenesis and clinical findings
 - For diagnosis, must have either 26
activities #AttentionDeficitHyperactiveDisorder ... #ADHD #BehavioralDisorder
Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)
Neurochemical abnormalities
 • Hyper-vigilance
 • Emotional hyper-arousal
 • Exaggerated startle reflex
 • Anxiety
StressDisorder #PTSD #BehavioralDisorder
Panic Disorder: Pathogenesis and clinical findings
Social Factors
 • Parenting and infant attachment
 • Childhood illness/abuse
PanicDisorder #Anxiety #BehavioralDisorder
Social Anxiety Disorder (SAD) - Pathophysiology 
Excessive fear of one or more social situations
 • Safety
SocialAnxiety #BehavioralDisorder
Oppositional Defiant Disorder (ODD): Pathogenesis and clinical findings
 - Must have >4 symptoms for >6 months,
OppositionalDefiant #ODD #BehavioralDisorder
Conduct Disorder (CD): Pathogenesis and clinical findings
 - Must have >3 symptoms present in the past
#Conduct #CD #BehavioralDisorder