483 results
Interpretation of Components of the CBC (Complete Blood Count)

#CBC #Interpretation #CompleteBloodCount #Hematology #Differential #Diagnosis #Laboratory
Components of the CBC ... Blood Count) #CBC
An Approach to Jaundice Workup Algorithm by CBC and LFT Pattern

- Dr. Eric Strong @DrEricStrong

#Jaundice #Workup
Workup Algorithm by CBC
Reference Laboratory Values - Fishbone Shorthand
Complete Blood Count (CBC), Basic Metabolic Panel (BMP), Liver Function Tests
Complete Blood Count (CBC
Suggested algorithm for follow-up of monoclonal gammopathy of undetermined significance (MGUS)
Mayo Clinic Risk Stratification Model. CBC,
CBC, complete blood
Diagnostic approach to a limping child with an antalgic gait. 

(CBC = complete blood count; CRP
(CBC = complete ... resonance imaging; WBC
DRESS Syndrome vs SJS/TEN
 • Latency: 2-8 weeks
 • Rash: Morbilliform
 • Mucosal involvement: 50% have
with erosions • CBC ... more sites • CBC
Causes of Diffuse Lymphadenopathy - Differential Diagnosis Algorithm
 - Systemic Inflammatory
(Pancytopenia, WBC ... Lymphocytic Leukemia (CBC
Severe Asthma Algorithm - Management of Life-Threatening Asthma in the Emergency Department
Step One
1. Nebulized Albuterol
2. Nebulized
Fluid bolus 20 cc ... CBC, chemistry,
Management Algorithm for Confusion
- Substrate verification, glucose, oxygen checks
- Toxidrome present
- Focal findings on neurologic examination
examination, basic (CBC
Standardized Physical Abuse Guideline
<6 months of age
 • Social work consult
 • Skeletal survey
 • Head
appearance • CBC