664 results
Basophilia - Differential Diagnosis Framework

Basophils < 1% of the total white blood cell count
Basophils function similarly
Basophilia - Differential ... Diagnosis Framework Basophils ... blood cell count Basophils ... Is It A Real Basophilia ... Influenza • Chickenpox
Comparison of basophils and mast cells (in bone marrow).

#Basophils #MastCells #Pathology #Marrow #Smear #Microscopy #Comparison #Table
Comparison of basophils ... #Basophils #MastCells ... Smear #Microscopy #Comparison
Varicella (Chickenpox) - Crops of vesicles in various stages of healing 

• Healthy g 12
Varicella (Chickenpox ... #Varicella #Chickenpox
SCORTCH Congenital Infections Mnemonic
S - Syphilis
O - Other
R - Rubella
T - Toxoplasmosis
C - Chickenpox
Toxoplasmosis C - Chickenpox
Clinical Manifestations of Human Herpes Viruses (HHV)

Herpes simplex virus 1	HSV-1	Frequently subclinical (80-90%) Oral lesions (10-20%) congenital
Varicella-zoster virus VZV Chickenpox ... Microbiology #Diagnosis #Comparison
Approach to Leukocytosis - Differential Diagnosis Algorithm

Features of hematologic malignancy:
 • Symptoms: B-symptoms, bruising/bleeding, fatigue/weakness, immunosuppression
after initial Rx), basophilia
Peripheral Blood Smear Analysis
Megaloblastic Anemia
Schistocytes: Microangiopathic hemolytic anemia (e.g. DIC, TTP, HUS)
Microspherocytes: Autoimmune hemolytic anemia
Sickled red
, Thalassemia Basophilic
Pathologic Red Blood Cell (RBC) Morphologies and Associated Diseases

Acanthocyte (spur cell),  
Basophilic stippling, 
Bite cell,
spur cell), Basophilic
Pruritus - Primary Skin Lesion - Differential Diagnosis Algorithm
Macules / Papules / Plaques:
 • Xerosis (dry
Varicella zoster (chickenpox
Allergic Rhinitis: Pathogenesis and clinical findings

1. Allergy Sensitization -> Antigen Exposure -> APC (macrophages, HLA class
nasal mucosa and basophils ... mast cells and basophils ... > Mast cells & basophils