446 results
Here another chest x-ray with interstitial edema and Kerley B lines in a patient with congestive
a patient with congestive ... Kerley #BLines #RadiologyAssistant
On the left another patient with congestive heart failure.
The lateral view nicely demonstrates the increased diameter
another patient with congestive ... PeribronchialCuffing #RadiologyAssistant
Congestive heart failure
The findings are:
 - bilateral perihilar consolidation with air bronchograms and ill-defined borders
Congestive heart ... Radiology #CXR #CHF #RadiologyAssistant
Previous normal chest x-ray (left) and CHF stage II with perihilar haze (right). On the left
another patient with congestive ... Engorgement #Thickening #RadiologyAssistant
Based on the images alone, it is usually not possible to determine the cause of the
a patient with congestive ... Consolidation #Causes #RadiologyAssistant
UIP is a histologic pattern of pulmonary fibrosis.
On a chest X-ray UIP manifests as a reticular
attributed to chronic congestive ... #Honeycombing #RadiologyAssistant
Increased pulmonary venous pressure is related to the pulmonary capillary wedge pressure (PCWP) and can be
sequence of signs in congestive ... Findings #Signs #RadiologyAssistant
CT will also demonstrate signs of congestive heart failure.
On the image on the left notice the
demonstrate signs of congestive ... IntersitialEdema #Septal #RadiologyAssistant
The predominant finding is ground glass opacity (GGO).
There is very subtle traction bronchiectasis, indicating that the
patients with connective ... NonspecificInterstitialPneumonia #ILD #RadiologyAssistant
The predominant finding is ground glass opacity (GGO).
There is very subtle traction bronchiectasis, indicating that the
patients with connective ... NonspecificInterstitialPneumonia #ILD #RadiologyAssistant