4 results
Diagnoses to Consider in Patients with Flank Pain and Costovertebral Angle Tenderness
Physicians should consider other disorders
Flank Pain and Costovertebral ... #Differential #Costovertebral ... Angle #Tenderness #FlankPain

80% of stones are composed of calcium oxalate or phosphate. Others include uric acid (9%),
hydronephrosis # hematuria #flankpain
Scoliosis: Pathogenesis and clinical findings (Cobb Angle > 10 Degrees)

 • Incr Axial rotation of thoracic
transferred through the costovertebral
What is Asymptomatic Bacteruria (ASB)?
Bacteriuria (isolation of urinary pathogen at ≥10^5 CFU/mL in mid-stream urine) in
Suprapubic tenderness, Costovertebral