599 results
Necrotizing Fasciitis on POCUS

Dirty Shadow = ring down artifact. 

- MaimoUltrasound https://twitter.com/MaimoUltrasound

#Necrotizing #Fasciitis #POCUS #Cellulitis #Ultrasound
Fasciitis on POCUS Dirty ... DirtyShadowing #Air
Subcutaneous Emphysema on POCUS

Air, air everywhere...but not a lung in sight?! 18M hit in neck with
Emphysema on POCUS Air ... , air everywhere ... Subcutaneous air ... Lots of air tracking ... with posterior dirty
Pneumoperitoneum on POCUS

Anechoic free fluid seen in the Morrison’s pouch; the article does show some clear
pneumoperitoneum and dirty ... posterior to the air ... don't forget about air
POCUS of a bladder demonstrating emphysematous cystitis. 

Note the reverberation artifact with dirty shadowing in the
artifact with dirty ... differentiate from just air
Necrotizing Fasciitis on POCUS
I was presented a patient with an "abscess". This is why we #POCUS.
ultrasound shows air ... hyperechoic foci with dirty ... shadowing = air
Diverticulitis on Abdominal POCUS

Which diagnosis does this clip demonstrate?
Resolution: Diverticulitis. Quickly diagnosed with the Butterfly iQ
shadow (not a dirty ... shadow like the air
Fournier's Gangrene on Scrotal POCUS
An unfortunate patient presented to the ED with a painful, red, swollen
intra-scrotal air ... hyperechoic with dirty
Esophageal Rupture with Gastric Contents seen on Lung Ultrasound
Middle aged patient with oesophageal Ca presents generally
bright spots with dirty ... concerning for air

Dirty wounds pose an increased risk for tetanus. Clinicians should consider
FOR WOUNDS Dirty ... consider wounds dirty ... contaminated with dirt
Mixing instructions for epinephrine - a "dirty epi drip"

 - Inject 1 mg of epinephrine into
epinephrine - a "dirty ... #Epinephrine #Dirty