9517 results
Histamine Fish Toxicity - Inadequate refrigeration increases enzyme from bacteria on fish 
• Skin flushing,
refrigeration increases enzyme ... bacteria on fish Clinical ... eating fish Management
Stiff Person Syndrome (SPS) - Diagnosis and Management Summary

 • Prevalence: 1-2 cases per million -
Diagnosis and Management ... Clinical Manifestations ... works against an enzyme ... SPS #Diagnosis #Management
Recommended Therapeutic Approach to the Patient with Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy (HOCM)
ACE, angiotensin-converting enzyme; ARB, angiotensin receptor blockers;
angiotensin-converting enzyme ... Cardiomyopathy #Algorithm #Management
Acute Myocardial Infarction - Biomarker time course

#Diagnosis #Cardiology #AcuteMyocardialInfarction #AMI #Biomarkers #Enzymes #Troponins #CKMB #Trends #Peaks
AMI #Biomarkers #Enzymes
Liver Enzymes (LFTs) - Causes of Hepatocellular and Cholestatic Liver Injury
Hepatocellular Liver Injury
 • AST/ALT elevation
Liver Enzymes (LFTs ... AnnKumfer #Liver #Enzymes
Steroid Synthesis Pathway

(OH, hydroxy; HSD, hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase; DHEA, dehydroepiandrosterone; pink, common enzymes affecting CAH, purple –
; pink, common enzymes
Complications of Measles: Pathogenesis and Clinical Findings
 • ADEM -> Fever, headache, neck stiffness, BBD, mental
Pathogenesis and Clinical ... elevated liver enzymes
Heme Synthesis Pathway
1. ALA Synthase
2. ALA Dehydratase
3. Porphobilinogen deaminase
4. UP Ill Synthase
5. UP Ill Decarboxylase
6. Coproporphyrinogen
Synthesis Pathway Enzymes
Uric Acid Homeostasis
In the liver, purines are metabolized to uric acid. The last step in purine
metabolism involves an enzyme ... In animals, the enzyme ... #Medications #Management
Angiotensin-Converting Enzyme Inhibitors - Inhibit the conversion of AngI to AngII
 • Captopril, Lisinopril, Enalapril, Benazepril,
Angiotensin-Converting Enzyme ... Angiotensin #Converting #Enzyme