46 results
Causes of Inaccurate Fecal Occult Blood Test Results 

False Positive gFOBT:
Ingestion of nonhuman heme (eg, meat
Causes of Inaccurate ... FalsePositive #FalseNegative ... Differential #Accuracy #Inaccurate
Sensitivity Specificity False-Positive False-Negative Contingency Table / confusion matrix

Sensitivity refers to the test's ability to correctly
FalsePositive #FalseNegative
Arterial Line - Square Wave Test 
The arterial line can measure BP inaccurately unless properly calibrated.
can measure BP inaccurately ... Normal = accurate
Arterial Lines & Waveforms
Arterial lines permit continuous invasive blood pressure measurement, frequent arterial blood sampling, and
can measure BP inaccurately ... properly • Normal = accurate
Dizziness and lightheadedness are common complaints that you'll encounter as a medical professional. The goal of
Quick and accurate
#Assessment, #management and #prevention of exacerbations are anticipated to change significantly in the future. As described,
validation of accurate
Imaging Modalities for Renal Calculus

 - Good far calcium-containing stones useful when limited radiation dose
Rapid. highly accurate ... renal stones - Accurate
What is Fecal Occult Blood Testing (FOBT)
 • Screening for colorectal cancer in average risk population
FalsePositives #FalseNegatives

Skin rashes can occur from a variety of factors, including infections, heat, allergens, immune
A rapid and accurate
Age of Ossification of Carpal Bones
Capitate - 1 Month
Hamate - 2 Months
Triquetral - 3 Years
Lunate -
Not the most accurate