894 results
Pathogen: Hantavirus - Rodents are the primary reservoir
 • Shed in the urine, feces, saliva of
Hantavirus Pathogen ... : Hantavirus - Rodents ... saliva of infected rodents ... to 6 weeks • Hantavirus ... IgM • Hantavirus
Infections Rats can Transmit to Humans
Other infections not highlighted include Lassa fever, Plague, Salmonella, Tularemia etc

Rat Feces: - Hantavirus ... Diagnosis #Management #Rodents
Rodent-associated Bacterial infections: Leptospirosis, Rat-bite fever, Tularemia, Plague 

Rodent-associated ... Tularemia, Plague #rodent
By Marcela Santana @Marcelaaos via Febrile [febrilepodcast.com @febrilepodcast]
#ID  #Infectious Diseases  #Infections
#Microbiology #Micro
#Leptospirosis #Leptospira #epidemiology
#riskfactors #rodents
By Marcela Santana @Marcelaaos via Febrile [febrilepodcast.com @febrilepodcast]
#ID  #Infectious Diseases  #Infections
#Microbiology #Micro
#Leptospirosis #Leptospira #epidemiology
#riskfactors #rodents
Spectrum of Glomerulonephritis 
Pathology - Common Diseases - Typical Presentation 

By Dr. John Roberts @John_K_Roberts

#Glomerulonephritis #Spectrum
John Roberts @John_K_Roberts
Lithium Treatment Guidelines - Rosen's, Tintinalli's, Goldfrank and Extrip 2015
#Management #Lithium #Toxicology #Treatment
Treatment Guidelines - Rosen's
Pulmonary Renal Syndromes and Mimics - Differential Diagnosis Framework
Diffuse alveolar hemorrhage + rapidly progressive glomerulonephritis
- Infections: Hantavirus
Froment’s Test for Ulnar Nerve Palsy

This tests for pinch grip weakness caused by ulnar nerve palsy,
PT_yuu_mizu628 #Froments ... #physicalexam #msk
Adult-Onset Still's Disease
Clinical triad: Fever, Arthralgia/arthritis, Skin rash ± odynophagia
+ Biological inflammation: Increased neutrophils, Hyperferritinemia, decreased
EBV, HIV, HTLVI, Hantavirus