2882 results
Differentiating Pacemaker vs ICD on Chest XRay
 - Single Chamber PPM
 - Single Chamber ICD
ICD #ChestXRay #CXR ... #Radiology #comparison ... #clinical #cardiology
Hepatopulmonary Syndrome (HPS) 

HPS-differential diagnosis:
1. Pulmonary vasculature
2. Diseases of the lung parenchyma
3. Pleura and diaphragm

1. Patients
Hepatopulmonary ... classification #Hepatopulmonary
Hepatopulmonary Syndrome (HPS) Diagnosis Algorithm
Bubble echo is the first piece of the puzzle. The nail on
Hepatopulmonary ... Themis_Kourk #Hepatopulmonary
Hepatopulmonary Syndrome
HPS - Diagnosis:
 1. Patients with liver disease
 2. Alveolar-arterial oxygen gradient (AaP02) >15 mmHg
Hepatopulmonary ... 50 mmHg #HPS #Hepatopulmonary
CT angiography chest showing #pulmonaryinfarction due to acute #pulmonaryembolism. #Hamptonhump was viewed on CXR (https://GrepMed.com/images/5576). #photo
was viewed on CXR ... #CriticalCare #Radiology ... #Cardiology #HamptonHump
Chest XRay Anatomy Labeled

#Clinical #Radiology #Anatomy #CXR #ChestXRay #Labeled
Labeled #Clinical #Radiology ... #Anatomy #CXR #
Chest XRay Consolidation Pattern - Differential Algorithm #Diagnosis #Radiology #Pulmonary #CXR #Consolidation #Pattern #Differential #Algorithm #RadiologyAssistant
Algorithm #Diagnosis #Radiology ... #Pulmonary #CXR
Chest XRay Interstitial Pattern - Differential Algorithm #Diagnosis #Radiology #Pulmonary #CXR #Interstitial #Pattern #Differential #Algorithm #RadiologyAssistant
Algorithm #Diagnosis #Radiology ... #Pulmonary #CXR
 End Stage Liver Disease (Cirrhosis) - Complications 
 • Ascites
 • Esophageal Varices
 • Hepatic
Carcinoma (HCC) • Hepatopulmonary
Estimated Medical Radiation Doses for 5 Year-Old Child

3-view ankle	0.0015 mSv	1/14th CXRs
2-view chest	0.02 mSv	1 CXRs
Anteroposterior and lateral
0.0015 mSv 1/14th CXRs ... chest 0.02 mSv 1 CXRs ... scan 6.2 mSv 310 CXRs ... through 1 mSv 50 CXRs ... #PatientInfo #Radiology