12 results
Hip X-ray anatomy - Normal AP
- Shenton's line is formed by the medial edge of the
Anatomy #Radiology #HipXRay ... Shentons #Line #Acetabulum
Illustration of the Positive and Negative JTS (John Thomas Sign) (depicted on pelvic radiographs (Fig. 3A,
fracture side (left acetabular ... fracture side (left acetabular ... #Clinical #HipXRay
Hip Joint Anatomy - Acetabulum

By @rev.med

#Hip #Joint #Anatomy #Acetabulum #Femur
Joint Anatomy - Acetabulum ... Joint #Anatomy #Acetabulum
Patients with large hip fractures often present with an externally rotated and shortened lower extremity. However,
Clinical #Radiology #HipXRay
Pelvic X-Ray Anatomy and Interpretation Checklist
 - Sacro-iliac joints
 - Don't forget the lumbar spine -
obturator foramen - Acetabulum
Femoral Head Fracture: Pathogenesis and clinical findings
 • Posterior hip dislocation -> Impaction force from femoral
onto posterior acetabular ... onto anterior acetabular
Orthopedic Fracture Classification - Pelvic and Lower Limbs
Letournel Classification Acetabular Fractures:
 • Simple Types: Anterior column,
Classification Acetabular ... with associated acetabular
Orthopedic Dislocations (Shoulder, Elbow and Hip) - Diagnosis and Management Summary
Shoulder Dislocation
 • Fall on the
down into the acetabulum
Positive Throckmorton sign in a case of chronic osteomyelitis of the left hip. X-ray findings:
1) complete
noted in the left acetabulum
Orthopedic Platings, Nails and Screws
Bohler’s Stirrup: U shaped device to hold a Steinmann pin and applying
incidence of protrusio acetabuli