34 results
Reflex Testing - Causes of Hyporeflexia and Hyperreflexia
Focal Hyporeflexia: 
 • Radiculopathy, Mononeuropathy, Polyneuropathy, Acute stroke,
Testing - Causes of Hyporeflexia ... and Hyperreflexia ... Focal Hyporeflexia ... injury Generalized Hyporeflexia ... #Hyperreflexia
Serotonin Syndrome - THINK: FAST
 - FAST onset
 - FAST movements (agitation, akathisia, HYPERreflexia)
agitation, akathisia, HYPERreflexia ... movements and HYPOreflexia
When trying to differentiate between the two conditions think “FAST” with Serotonin Syndrome and “SLOW” with
agitation, akathisia, HYPERreflexia ... movements and HYPOreflexia
Hyperreflexia in serotonin syndrome

- Dr. David Juurlink @DavidJuurlink

#Hyperreflexia #serotonin #syndrome #PhysicalExam #Clinical #Video #Knee #Reflexes
Hyperreflexia in ... DavidJuurlink #Hyperreflexia
Upper Versus Lower Motor Neuron Findings

Denervation near the target muscle fibers (lower motor neuron disease) results
, resulting in hyporeflexia
Serotonin Syndrome
 - Rapid onset 
 - Combination of 2+ serotonin agonists 
Mental status changes:
- Clonus - Hyperreflexia
Upper Motor Neuron (UMN) lesions are lesions occurring anywhere in the CNS from the brain up
weakness, and hyporeflexia ... lesion causes hyperreflexia ... lesion causes hyporeflexia
Myelopathy - Injury to the entire spinal cord - Signs and Symptoms
 • Ataxia (early sign)
baseline) • Hyperreflexia
Algorithm for the Diagnosis of Serotonin Syndrome
 - Serotonin syndrome is thought to be caused by
with SS include: hyperreflexia ... - Hyperreflexia
Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors: Mechanisms and Side Effects
 • Serotonin Syndrome:
   - Autonomic Hyperactivity:
Clonus, Tremor, Hyperreflexia