30 results
Radiologists use many terms to describe areas of decreased density or lucencies within the lung, like
as: Cavity - lucency ... thick wall Cyst - lucency ... wall Emphysema - lucency ... wall #CXR #Lucency
Doge Cap Sign on Abdominal X-Ray aka Morrison Pouch Sign
Triangular shaped lucency below the 11th rib
Triangular shaped lucency
Cheerio Sign (Open Bronchus Sign) on Chest CT
 • Pulmonary nodule with a central lucency
with a central lucency
Osteoid osteomas are benign bone-forming tumours that typically occur in children (particularly adolescents). They have characteristic
characteristic lucent
Looser’s pseudofracture (Milkman lines): 
▪️ wide lucency w/ sclerotic margins traversing part way through a bone,
lines): ▪️ wide lucency
Rheumatoid arthritis (RA): X-ray features
 • Soft tissue swelling (best seen by comparing left & right
bones look more lucent
Cavities frequently arise within a mass or an area of consolidation as a result of necrosis.
feature is the lucency
Representative X-ray appearance of a primary benign bone tumor - Aneurysmal Bone Cyst 
 • Soft
bones look more lucent
Subacute hypersensitivity pneumonitis
The key findings in the subacute hypersensitivity pneumonitis are:
ill-defined centrilobular nodules of ground-glass opacity
infiltration and patchy lucency
Malignant Bone Tumors: Pathogenesis of X-ray appearance

 • Metastatic bone tumors (aka. cancerous cells from systemic
are often "radio-lucent