7174 results
Fibula Giant Cell Tumor - Ankle X-Ray 
Expansile lytic lesion in the epiphysis of the fibula
X-Ray Expansile lytic ... #Ankle #XRay #clinical
Raindrop skull seen in myeloma.
- pattern of lytic/punched-out lesions resembling raindrops hitting a surface &splashing.
Sometimes also
- pattern of lytic ... MultipleMyeloma #Clinical
Positive Throckmorton sign in a case of chronic osteomyelitis of the left hip. X-ray findings:
1) complete
femoral head 2) lytic ... #Clinical #Radiology
Eosinophilic Granuloma (aka Langerhans Cell Histiocytosis) on Pediatric Skull X-Ray
Solitary, punched out lytic lesion, no sclerotic
Solitary, punched out lytic ... #Skull #XRay #clinical
Paget’s Disease: Pathogenesis and Clinical Findings

 • Incr serum CTx - marker of bone resorption
Pathogenesis and Clinical ... resorption • Lytic
Raindrop Skull in Multiple Myeloma
Diagnosis: Calavarial Multiple Myeloma
The raindrop appearance is caused by multiple lytic lesion
caused by multiple lytic ... Multiple #Myeloma #clinical
Raindrop Skull- ...A skeletal survey showed diffuse osteopenia, a pubic bone fracture, and numerous radiolucent lesions
— a pattern of lytic ... #NEJM #clinical
Diagram of different types of bone tumors that can occur around the knee on XRay -
blastic or mixed lytic-blastic ... Paget disease - lytic ... Aggressive lesion - lytic
Diagram of different types of bone tumors that can occur around the knee on XRay
Age <
blastic or mixed lytic-blastic ... Paget disease - lytic ... Aggressive lesion - lytic
Bone Lesion on X-Ray - Differential Diagnosis Algorithm 
 • Osteochondroma
Asymptomatic &/or Non-Active Bone Scam
Fibroma Multiple Lytic