1481 results
Hydronephrosis Grading
Grade I - Pelviectasis 
Grade II - Caliectasis (Major Calyces)
Grade III - Caliectasis (Minor Calyces)
- Caliectasis (Minor ... nephrology #radiology #ultrasound
Traumatic Splenic Hematoma on LUQ FAST Exam

31 yo M. Minor blunt trauma from bicycle accident. No
Minor blunt trauma ... Exam #Clinical #Ultrasound
Acute peroneal compartment syndrome on POCUS
After a minor ankle twist POCUS - muscle tear & hematoma.
POCUS After a minor ... clinical #msk #ultrasound
UVJ Stone on Bladder Ultrasound - Sagittal
Patient has right distal UVJ stone with hydronephrosis and urinoma.
Stone on Bladder Ultrasound ... likely due to minor ... Stone #Bladder #Ultrasound
Urinoma and Calyceal rupture on Renal Ultrasound
Sudden onset Rt flank pain.  Patient has right distal
rupture on Renal Ultrasound ... likely due to minor ... rupture #Renal #Ultrasound
Shoulder Dislocation - Intraarticular Lidocaine Injection on POCUS
Want to add spice to your relationship with minor
relationship with minor ... POCUS #clinical #ultrasound
Traumatic Spleen Hematoma on POCUS
Peds blunt abd trauma is scary.. A reminder why #POCUS negative for
kid walked into minors ... Traumat #clinical #ultrasound
Hydronephrosis and Urinoma from Calyx Rupture on POCUS
1-year memory.  Felt Rt flank pain to groin
from suspected minor ... #POCUS #Renal #ultrasound
Major and Minor Criteria for Rheumatic Fever
#Diagnosis #RheumaticFever #Major #Minor #Jones #Criteria #CAFEPAL #Mnemonic
Major and Minor ... RheumaticFever #Major #Minor
Infective Endocarditis: Modified Duke Criteria
Clinical Criteria: 
1. Two major criteria 
2. One major and three minor
major and three minor ... Five minor criteria