6 results
Delayed Fracture Healing - Non-Union - Malunion - Differential Diagnosis Algorithm

Inflammation (Hours-Days) -> Soft Callus (Days-Weeks)
reduction • Misalignment ... Fracture #Healing #NonUnion
Strabismus - Ocular Misalignment - Differential Diagnosis Algorithm
 • Latent deviation
 • Symmetrical corneal light reflex,
Strabismus - Ocular Misalignment ... Comitant Angle of misalignment ... Ocular #Eyeball #Misalignment
Patellofemoral Syndrome - Pathogenesis and clinical findings
 • Anterior Knee Pain with possible symptoms of 'catching'
flexion • Xray malalignment
Scaphoid Fractures
The scaphoid is the most commonly fractured carpal bone. Remember, if a fracture is suspected
distally • Nonunion
Lactated Ringers (LR) vs Normal Saline (NS) - Comparison

Composition of LR:
 • Sodium 130 mEq/L
Hyperchloremia nonanion
Type 2 Odontoid / Dens Fracture 

There are 3 types of C2/Odontoid Dens fractures. The CT
a high risk of nonunion