29 results
Filariasis - Life Cycle of Wuchereria bancrofti
1) Mosquito takes a blood meal
2) Adults in lymphatics
3) Adults
of Wuchereria bancrofti ... #Wuchereria #bancrofti ... #filariasis #lifecycle ... #diagnosis #pathophysiology ... infectiousdiseases #cdc #parasite
Strongyloides fuelleborni Lifecycle
Free-Living Cycle
1) Eggs containing rhabditiform larvae passed in feces.
2) Rhabditiform larvae hatch in environment.
Strongyloides fuelleborni Lifecycle ... Parasitic Cycle ... #fuelleborni #LifeCycle ... #Parasite #diagnosis ... #pathophysiology
Amebiasis - Balamuthia mandrillaris Life Cycle
1) Cysts
2) Trophozoite
3) Mitosis
4) Amebae (cysts and trophozoites) can enter humans
Amebiasis - Balamuthia ... #Amebiasis #Balamuthia ... #mandrillaris #LifeCycle ... #diagnosis #pathophysiology ... infectiousdiseases #cdc #parasite
Amebiasis - Naegleria fowleri - Life Cycle
1) Cysts
2) Trophozoite
3) Flagellated Form
4) Promitosis
→ Water-related activities such as
Amebiasis - Naegleria ... occasionally in CSF #Amebiasis ... Naegleria #fowleri #LifeCycle ... #diagnosis #pathophysiology ... infectiousdiseases #cdc #parasite
Amebiasis - Acanthamoeba Life Cycle
1) Cysts
2) Trophozoite
3) Mitosis
4) Amebae (cysts and trophozoites) can enter humans in
Amebiasis - Acanthamoeba ... #Amebiasis #Acanthamoeba ... #LifeCycle #diagnosis ... #pathophysiology ... infectiousdiseases #cdc #parasite
Strongyloides Stercoralis Lifecycle
Free-Living Cycle:
1) Rhabditiform larvae in the intestine are excreted in stool. 
2) Development into
Strongyloides Stercoralis Lifecycle ... Parasitic Cycle: ... become adults. 8) Parasitic ... #stercoralis #LifeCycle ... #diagnosis #pathophysiology
Echinococcus Life Cycle
1) Adult in small intestine eggs
2) Embryonated egg in feces
3) Oncosphere hatches; penetrates intestinal
#Echinococcus #LifeCycle ... #diagnosis #pathophysiology ... infectiousdiseases #cdc #parasite
Leishmaniasis Life Cycle
1) Sandfly takes a blood meal (injects promastigote stage into the skin)
Human Stages:
2) Promastigotes
Leishmaniasis #LifeCycle ... #diagnosis #pathophysiology ... infectiousdiseases #cdc #parasite
Malaria - Plasmodium Life Cycle
1) Mosquito takes a blood meal (injects sporozoites)
Human Liver Stages
2) Infected liver
Malaria #Plasmodium #lifecycle ... #diagnosis #pathophysiology ... infectiousdiseases #cdc #parasite
Babesiosis - Babesia Life Cycle
1) Tick takes a blood meal (sporozoites introduced into host)
2) Trophozie ←→
Babesiosis #Babesia #LifeCycle ... #diagnosis #pathophysiology ... infectiousdiseases #cdc #parasite