16 results
Pain Assessment and Management Initiative (PAMI) - Muscle Relaxants - Agents and Dosing

#Management #Pain #Pharmacology #Muscle
Pharmacology #Muscle #Relaxers
2 Person  Cunningham  Incrementalized  Approach to Shoulder Relocation

Success depends on: patient's forearm relaxed,
patient's forearm relaxed ... deep breathes, relaxes
Priapism: Pathogenesis

 - Post-cavernosal venous occlusion -> Post-cavernosal venous drainage is mechanically obstructed e.g. sickle cell
smooth muscle relaxes ... smooth muscle relaxes
Sensitivity Specificity False-Positive False-Negative Contingency Table / confusion matrix

Sensitivity refers to the test's ability to correctly
condition Specificity relates
How to measure your blood pressure at home
 - Avoid caffeine, cigarettes and other stimulants
, with muscles relaxed ... Keep your body relaxed
Parkinson's Disease Tremor
The tremor of Parkinson's disease is characteristic. It is called resting tremor, that is,
with his arms relaxed
Difficult Selective Biliary Cannulation (SBC)
Factors associated with difficult SBC:
 - SMALL PAPILLA: can be difficult to
PAPILLA: can be more relaxed
Normal hepatic vein Doppler Ultrasound tracing
1) a large antegrade waveform (negative velocity) noted during early and
the S-wave and relates
Hoffmann's sign was originally described as follows: the test is performed by supporting the patient's hand
is completely relaxed
Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder (ADHD): Pathogenesis and clinical findings
 - For diagnosis, must have either 26
of Inattention (relaxed