15 results
Sporothrix schenckii

Slide culture (coverslip embedded into culture media and stained with Lactophenol cotton blue) - better
Sporothrix schenckii ... richdavisphd #Sporothrix
Cutaneous sporotrichosis (also known as “rose gardener's disease”) is an infection caused by a fungus called
fungus called Sporothrix ... Sporotrichosis #Sporothrix
Sporotrichosis - Sporothrix schenckii - Fungal Pathology 

Asteroid bodies (star-like) eosinophilic material surrounding yeasts - sporotrichosis

Sporotrichosis - Sporothrix ... Sporotrichosis #Sporothrix
Sporotrichosis - Sporothrix schenckii - Diagnosis and Management Summary
 • Landscaping, Christmas tree farming, Rose
Sporotrichosis - Sporothrix ... Sporotrichosis #Sporothrix
Causes of CSF Lymphocytic Pleocytosis - Differential Diagnosis
Viral: Arbo, Adeno, Herpes, Entero, HIV
Fungal: Cryptococcus, Cocci, Histo,
Cocci, Histo, Sporothrix
Nodular lymphangitis - Causes of Sporotrichoid Lesions
 • Sporothrix schenckii - Gardening, soil, splinters, animal bites/scratches
Sporotrichoid Lesions • Sporothrix
Sporotrichiosis Hand Infection
Sporotrichoid pattern of spread.  There are only 3 differentials in this case. Sporothrix/M.marinum/
Causes of Culture Negative Abscess - Differential Diagnosis Framework
Consider prior antibiotics as a cause of a
Cryptococcus, Sporothrix
Safe Living After Transplant: Hand-washing and direct contact
 • After touching or cleaning up after animals
contact with soil: Sporothrix
Approach to chronic meningitis (defined as lasting for 4 weeks or more, and separate from recurrent
, histoplasma, sporothrix