10 results
Acute-phase Reactants Synthesized in the Liver 
Positive acute-phase reactants (concentrations increase with acute inflammation)
 - Immune-related
Acute-phase Reactants Synthesized ... Transferrin #AcutePhaseReactants ... #Synthesized #Liver
Pathways Involved in Protein and Amino Acid Metabolism in Chronic Kidney Disease. The tricarboxylic acid (TCA)
Urea is synthesized
Lipoprotein Metabolism

Enterocytes release absorbed lipids the form of triglyceride-rich chylomicrons. These are acted upon by endothelial
cholesterol to synthesize
Bile acids are the end products of cholesterol catabolism. Cholic acid and chenodeoxycholic acid are the
primary bile acids synthesized ... Human liver synthesizes
Bleeding manifestations 
Petechiae are small, flat, red, discrete areas of skin bleeding that are typically <2
Glycoprotein Synthesized
Antibiotic classification refers to the categorization of antibiotics based on their chemical structure, mechanism of action,
bacteria use to synthesize
Low Alkaline Phosphatase - Hypophosphatasia 

Is Low Alkaline Phosphatase Of Clinical Importance?

ALP enzyme- Discovered in 1923
by Rathbun ALP synthesized
Discovered by Tillett & Francis in 1930. First identified as a substance in the serum
pentameric protein synthesized
Retroviral Infections: Mechanisms of Oncogenesis
Note: A retrovirus is an RNA virus that uses reverse transcriptase to
transcriptase to synthesize
Methotrexate Toxicology 

Intravenous leucovorin (folinic acid) treatment serves as a cofactor necessary for synthesis of thymidylate
and subsequently synthesize