360 results
TCA Overdose on EKG
 • Sinus tachycardia
 • QRS prolongation
 • QT prolongation
 • Rightward deviation
TCA Overdose on ... EricsMedicalLectures/ #TCA
Lead aVR on EKG
Lead aVR can provide some unique insight into 5 different conditions:

 - Acute
antidepressant (TCA ... ) and TCA-like overdose
TCA Overdose on ECG

 R axis deviation, widened QRS complexes, and a terminal R in aVR.

TCA Overdose on ... #TCA #Overdose #
Urine Drug Screens - Common drugs that may cause false positive tests 

Bupropion, Labetalol, Methylphenidate, Phenylephrine,
Antidepressants (TCA

•	Hormonal dysfunction
Quinine o Lithium, TCA
Drug-Induced Seizures - OTIS-CAMPBELL

O - Organophosphate, oral hypoglycemics, opioid
T - TCA, theophylline
I - Isoniazid, Insulin
S -
hypoglycemics, opioid T - TCA
Pathways Involved in Protein and Amino Acid Metabolism in Chronic Kidney Disease. The tricarboxylic acid (TCA)
tricarboxylic acid (TCA
Lead AVR on ECG
1. Acute myocardial infarction: ST elevation > 1.5 mm in aVR, indicative of
antidepressant (TCA ... ) & TCA-like overdose
Mydriasis and Miosis - Differential Diagnosis Framework

Causes of Mydriasis:
Dilated pupils (mydriasis) more than 7mm
 • Unilateral
Ill paralysis (PCA ... MDMA (Ecstacy), TCA
Beta-Blocker Overdose/toxicity:

•	Bradycardia & hypotension (most common).
•	Myocardial depression & cardiogenic shock (severe overdoses). 
•	Ventricular dysrhythmias (Common with
Co-ingestions of CCB, TCA