1963 results
Cozen's Test for Lateral Epicondylitis (Tennis Elbow)

The examiner should stabilize the elbow with patient's forearm fully
Epicondylitis (Tennis ... Epicondylitis #Tennis ... #elbow #PhysicalExam
Mill's Test for Lateral Epicondylitis ("Tennis Elbow")

With the elbow fully extended and forearm pronated, passively flex
Epicondylitis ("Tennis ... Epicondylitis #Tennis ... clinical #video #physicalexam
Maudsley's Test for Lateral Epicondylitis ("Tennis Elbow")

With the wrist prone, resist extension of the 3rd digit,
Epicondylitis ("Tennis ... Epicondylitis #Tennis ... clinical #video #physicalexam
Maudsley's Test for Lateral Epicondylitis ("Tennis Elbow")

With the wrist prone, the patient attempts extension of the
Epicondylitis ("Tennis ... Epicondylitis #Tennis ... clinical #video #physicalexam
Cozen’s Test for Lateral Epicondylitis ("Tennis Elbow")

Also known as the "resisted wrist extension test".  
Epicondylitis ("Tennis ... Epicondylitis #Tennis ... clinical #video #physicalexam
Parkinsonian Gait 

Parkinson's gait is very characteristic: Standing, the patient tends to tilt the trunk forward,
Standing, the patient tends ... Gait #Neurology #PhysicalExam
Epicondylitis - Lateral: Focal epicondyle tenderness, decreased grip strength, pain with resisted wrist extension. Medial: Focal
Lateral #Medial #Tennis
Papulosquamous Skin Rash - Differential Diagnosis Algorithm
Erythrematous or violaceous papules & plaques with overlying scale
genitals (especially penis ... Rosea - Oval, tannish-pink
Persistent Pupillary Membrane (PPM) on Slit Lamp Ocular Examination

This membrane would be a remainder of the
tunica vasculosa lentis ... Pupil #Ocular #PhysicalExam
Herpes Simplex Virus 
 • Expanded paracortex 
 • HSV-infected cells are 
present in areas
Dennis O'Malley