28 results
V/Q Mismatch Physiology

by Dr. Lizzy Hastie @LizzyHastie

#VQMismatch #pathophysiology #diagnosis #pulmonary
V/Q Mismatch Physiology ... LizzyHastie #VQMismatch
Hepatopulmonary Syndrome (HPS) 

HPS-differential diagnosis:
1. Pulmonary vasculature
2. Diseases of the lung parenchyma
3. Pleura and diaphragm

1. Patients
Hepatopulmonary ... classification #Hepatopulmonary
Hepatopulmonary Syndrome (HPS) Diagnosis Algorithm
Bubble echo is the first piece of the puzzle. The nail on
Hepatopulmonary ... Themis_Kourk #Hepatopulmonary
Hepatopulmonary Syndrome
HPS - Diagnosis:
 1. Patients with liver disease
 2. Alveolar-arterial oxygen gradient (AaP02) >15 mmHg
Hepatopulmonary ... 50 mmHg #HPS #Hepatopulmonary
 End Stage Liver Disease (Cirrhosis) - Complications 
 • Ascites
 • Esophageal Varices
 • Hepatic
Carcinoma (HCC) • Hepatopulmonary
Hypoxemic Respiratory Failure - Differential Diagnosis Framework
 • Low PATM Can decrease first part
common than VIQ mismatch ... PERFUSION (V/Q) MISMATCH ... pulmonary AVMs, hepatopulmonary
Complications of Portal Hypertension
 • Hepatic Encephalopathy
 • Pulmonary: Hepatopulmonary syndrome, Portopulmonary hypertension, Hepatic hydrothorax
• Pulmonary: Hepatopulmonary
Approach to the A-a Gradient
A-a gradient = PAO2 - PaO2
A-a gradient = [FiO2 x (Patm -
Pulmonary AVMs, Hepatopulmonary ... and more • V/Q Mismatch
Hepatopulmonary Syndrome on Echocardiogram (A4C)
Hepatopulmonary Syndrome: Intrapulmonary shunting is most commonly demonstrated by contrast TTE when
Hepatopulmonary ... Echocardiogram (A4C) Hepatopulmonary ... DrBloodandGuts #Hepatopulmonary
Hepatopulmonary Syndrome - Diagnosis and Management Summary
A defect in arterial oxygenation due to a gas exchange
Hepatopulmonary ... Hypoxemia - V/Q mismatch ... LizzieAbyMD #hepatopulmonary