18 results
Syncope is a sudden, transient loss of consciousness, which is thought to be secondary to cerebral
syncope (due to vasovagal ... lossofconsciousness #cerebralhypoperfusion ... reflexsyncope #vasovagal
REBEL Review 100: Canadian Syncope Risk Score 

Predisposition to Vasovagal Symptoms (-1)
History of Heart Disease (1)
Predisposition to Vasovagal ... > 480 ms (2) Vasovagal
Syncope - Cerebral hypoperfusion leading to transient lsos of consciousness causing alck of postural tone with
24%) • Reflex (vasovagal
Syncope in 3 Steps
1. Consider the 3 "S" Mimics: Seizure, low Sugar, Stroke (TIA)
2. Heart vs
Too much para > vasovagal
TiTrATE Approach to Vertigo
TiTrATE approach stands for Timing, Triggers and Targeted Examination.
4 vestibular syndromes that are
(eg Menière's, vasovagal
Syncope - Differential Diagnosis Framework
Reflex Syncope:
• Vasovagal: Prolonged standing, Stress, Pain
• Situational: Coughing, Sneezing, Micturition, Defecation,
Reflex Syncope: • Vasovagal
Syncope - Differential Diagnosis
The percentage of syncopal events secondary to arrhythmias or structural disease is generally
Neurally-mediated 66% • Vasovagal
Dizziness - Differential Diagnosis Framework
 • Peripheral: Labyrinthitis, BPPV, Meniere's disease, Alternobaric
 • Central: CVA/TIA -
Orthostatic hypotension, Vasovagal
Dizziness - Differential Diagnosis Framework
"Tell me what you mean by dizzy without using the word dizzy."
Meds • Reflex: Vasovagal
Syncope - Differential Diagnosis Algorithm
 • Vasovagal
 • Orthostatic Hypotension
 • Autonomic Neuropathy
 • Situational (micturition,
Neurocardiogenic: • Vasovagal