1654 results
Brissaud's Sign
Brissaud's Sign, a substitute for Babinski's sign, was published only 22 days after Babinski's famous
characterized by contraction ... #Sign #Reflex #Neurology
Blepharospasm on Physical Exam

Blepharospasm is abnormal contraction of the eyelid muscles, blinking or twitching that you
Blepharospasm is abnormal contraction ... clinical #video #neurology
Grading of Muscle Strength (1-5):

5 - The muscle can move the joint it crosses through a
1 - Muscle contraction ... 0 - No muscle contraction ... Grades #Diagnosis #Neurology
Bilateral tonic pupils observed in the patient with Ross syndrome. 
Absence of bilateral pupillary contraction despite
bilateral pupillary contraction ... bilateral #reflex #neurology
Relative Afferent Pupillary Defect

This maneuver of intermittent light stimulus is called the alternating light test or
occurs instead of contraction ... Pupillary #Defect #Neurology
Pisa Syndrome (pleurothotonus) on Physical Exam
A tonic flexion of the trunk of the body to one
sustained muscle contraction ... PhysicalExam #clinical #neurology
Intact Corneomandibular (Wartenberg) Reflex

Patient with pontine hemorrhage without impaired consciousness - Left corneal stimulation triggers contralateral
deviation due to contraction ... PhysicalExam #clinical #Neurology
Hemifacial Spasms on Physical Exam
Unilateral clonic jerks with synchronous tonic spasms of all facial muscles: Hemifacial
facial muscle contraction ... clinical #video #neurology
Hormonal Contraceptive Patches - Twirla vs Xulane

#patches #contraceptive #contraception #obgyn #gynecology #comparison #Twirla #Xulane #pharmacology
Hormonal Contraceptive ... Xulane #patches #contraceptive ... #contraception
Brissaud's Sign

If the patient did not have his toes ... is there a sign that can
consists of marked contraction ... #Sign #Reflex #Neurology