5790 results
Causes of Abnormal PT and/or aPTT
Prolonged Prothrombin Time (PT)
1. Acquired deficiency of FVII
deficiency of FVII ... deficiency of FVII ... inhibitors to FVII ... decreased Fll, FVII ... Prolonged #Causes #diagnosis
Differential Diagnosis for a Prolonged PT and aPTT
If the PT and the aPTT are both prolonged,
Differential Diagnosis ... , FVII, FIX, FX ... production Fll, FV, FVII ... , FVII, FIX, FX) ... Prolonged #Causes #diagnosis
Algorithm for managing FVII deficiency.

*Mild bleeding history includes minor epistaxis, menorrhagia, gastrointestinal bleeding, joint and soft
Algorithm for managing FVII ... #FVII #deficiency ... #FactorVII #Factor7
REBEL Review 79: Treatment of Hemophilia 

Walkina Out of Pt Room, You Should Know... 
1. Type
factor8 #factor9 #factorviii
The coagulation cascade is shown, separated into different phases with their endogenous and pharmacological inhibitors shown.
complexes with FVIIa ... TF-FVIIa also activates ... clot #PT #PTT #diagnosis
Prothrombin Time (PT) and Partial Thromboplastin Time (PTT)

Prothrombin Time (PT) - Often Elevated in:
 • Vitamin
warfarin) • Factor VII ... laboratory #hematology #diagnosis
Coagulation Cascade - Anticoagulant Targets
Here's the brief overview of where the main anticoagulants work on the
Warfarin - II, VII
Cranial Nerve Nuclei - Cross Sectional Anatomy
CN III - Oculomotor Nerve
CN IV - Trochlear Nerve
Abducens Nerve CN VII
Types of Facial Paralysis - Peripheral vs Central Lesions

Facial weakness or paralysis may result either from
peripheral lesion of CN VII ... peripheral lesion of CN VII ... Palsy #Neurology #Diagnosis
Overview of Cranial Nerves
I: Olfactory
II: Optic
III Oculomotor
IV: Trochlear
V: Trigeminal
  V1: Ophthalmic
  V2: Maxillary
VI: Abducens VII