7 results
Filtering effect for small droplets (aerosols) by various masks; home-made of tea cloth, surgical mask (3M
Filtering effect ... public #policy #filtering
Faltering growth in children: summary of NICE guidance #Screening #Management #Peds #PrimaryCare #Underweight #Infants #FalteringGrowth #FailureToThrive
Faltering growth
Renal Replacement Therapy (RRT) - ICU One Pager Summary
Indications (AIEOU):
 • A: Acidosis (usually severe metabolic)
convective clearance by filtering
Renal Replacement Therapy (RRT) Modalities

RRT Modalities in the ICU:
 • IHD (Intermittent HD):  3-5 hr
convective clearance by filtering
Numerous drugs taken by elderly persons can affect water balance by direct action on the kidney
the kidney or by altering
Negative Contrast Effect in Right Atrium - Differential Diagnosis
1. Small secundum ASD or PFO with left
Chiari network altering
What is Asymptomatic Bacteruria (ASB)?
Bacteriuria (isolation of urinary pathogen at ≥10^5 CFU/mL in mid-stream urine) in
Promoting true UTIs by altering