22 results
Debridement and Management of Prosthetic Joint Infection (PJI)
Duration of symptoms <3 weeks OR  <30 days
Debridement and ... arthroplasty AND • No hardware ... susceptible to PO agents Debridement ... Infection #treatment #Debridement
General algorithm for the management of inflammatory pancreatic fluid collections. 

ANC, acute necrotic collection; APFC, acute
retroperitoneal debridement
Candidemia Workup and Management - IDSA Guidelines
1) Antibiotics
 • Empiric: Echinocandins (e.g. micafungin) for most patients
ASAP • Other hardware
Causes of Fever of Unknown Origin (FUO) - Differential Diagnosis
 • Infection: Extrapulmonary tuberculosis, Abscess, Endocarditis,
Discitis, Infected hardware
Orthopedic Dressing Materials
1. Opsite - semi-permeable-thin, adhesive transparent polyurethrane film 
 • Indications: Superficial wounds as
facilitate autolytic debridement ... promote autolytic debridement ... Indications: Enzymatic debridement
Lower Extremity Ulcers
Ulcers are defined as abnormal breaks in the skin or mucous membranes. General principles
include wound debridement
Coccidiomycosis - Diagnosis
 • Mildly elevated peripheral WBC, Eosinophilia (25%), Elevated ESR, Procalcitonin normal (95%)
CSF) • Biopsy & Debridement
Clinical Management for Three Common Causes of Shock 
 • Ensure adequate ventilation and oxygenation.
surgical drainage or débridement
Orthopedic Emergencies
Compartment Syndrome
 • An increase in compartment pressure to the point where tissue perfusion is
Prompt surgical debridement
Orthopedic Platings, Nails and Screws
Bohler’s Stirrup: U shaped device to hold a Steinmann pin and applying
#indications #hardware