190 results
Mastitis in the Lactating Woman - FOAMCast @FOAMpodcast

#Diagnosis #Management #Mastitis #Lactating #Patient #Lactation #FOAMCast
Mastitis in the Lactating ... Management #Mastitis #Lactating ... #Patient #Lactation
ER Care of the Lactating Patient - FOAMCast @FOAMpodcast

#Diagnosis #Management #Lactating #Lactation #Patient #Evaluation #PumpAndDump #Overview
ER Care of the Lactating ... Diagnosis #Management #Lactating ... #Lactation #Patient
Medications During Breastfeeding - FOAMCast @FOAMpodcast

#Pharmacology #Medications #Lactating #Lactation #Patients #Safety #Table #FOAMCast
#Medications #Lactating ... #Lactation #Patients
CKD Medication Safety in Pregnancy and Lactation

#CKD #Medications #Safety #Pregnancy #Lactation #obstetrics #nephrology
Pregnancy and Lactation ... Safety #Pregnancy #Lactation
Feedback Loop: Prolactin (PRL)
 • PRL levels exhibit diurnal, menstrual, and age-related variation
 • TRH has
and release -> Lactation
Iron Deficiency Anemia - Differential Diagnosis Algorithm

Labs: Ferritin, iron, transferrin, TIBC, TSAT, sTfR

 • Blood loss:
Anorexia, Pregnancy, Lactation
Causes of Iron Deficiency - Differential Diagnosis Algorithm
 • Blood loss: GI (cancer, ulcer, IBD), GU
Adolescence, Pregnancy, Lactation
Causes of Hypomagnesemia
 - IV glucose
 - Correction of diabetic ketoacidosis
 - IV hyperalimentation
 - Refeeding
infrequent) - Lactation
Causes of Hypomagnesemia
 • Redistribution: IV glucose, Correction of diabetic ketoacidosis, IV hyperalimentation, Refeeding after starvation,
(infrequent), Lactation
Rhythmic Movement Disorder (RMD), formerly termed jactatio capitis nocturna

Characterized by repetitive movements of large muscle groups
formerly termed jactatio ... Disorder #RMD #jactatio