14 results
1,3 Beta-D-Glucan and Galactomannan - Pathogens, and Testing Characteristics
1,3 ß-D-glucan:
 • Most fungi excluding mucor and
Aspiration pneumonia, Plasmalyte ... @serotavirus #BetaDGlucan
Fungal Biomarkers: Beta-D-Glucan and Aspergillus Galactomannan
 • Polysaccharide cell wall component of many fungi
 • Pathogens:
products - Use of plasmalyte ... Fungal #Biomarkers #BetaDGlucan
Crystalloid Compositon - Normal Saline, Lactated Ringers, PlasmaLyte
#Pharmacology #Crystalloids #Contents #Comparison #Table #Normosol #Plasmalyte #LactatedRingers #NormalSaline
Lactated Ringers, PlasmaLyte ... Table #Normosol #Plasmalyte
Crystalloid pH, Contents and Costs Compared
Plasma	pH 7.4
Normal Saline	pH 5.5*	
Ringer’s Lactate pH 6.5	
Plasmalyte A pH 6.5	
Coca-cola pH
Lactate pH 6.5 Plasmalyte ... LactatedRingers #Plasmalyte
Beta-D-Glucan and Galactomannan - Venn Diagram of Fungal Infections

#BetaDGlucan #Galactomannan #Venn #Diagram #diagnosis #microbiology #infectiousdiseases #fungal
Fungal Infections #BetaDGlucan
Choose Your Fluid: Crystalloid Comparison Chart:
Plasma vs Plasma-Lyte, Saline (.45%, 0.9%, 2%, 3%), D5W, Ringer's Lactate,
LactatedRingers #Plasmalyte
Fungal Biomarkers: Comparing Beta-D-Glucan and Aspergillus Galactomannan
 • Polysaccharide cell wall component of many fungi
Fungal #Biomarkers #BetaDGlucan
Considerations for Crystalloids - 0.9% NS vs LR vs Plasma-Lyte
 - Causes hyperkalemia?
 - Safe to
comparison #LR #plasmalyte
Crystalloid Composition - Normal Saline, Ringer's Lactate, Hartmann's Solution, PlasmaLyte

Ca2+ Mg2+ Cl- 
Hartmann's Solution, PlasmaLyte ... Ringers #Lactated #Plasmalyte
Hyperkalemia - Diagnosis and Management - GrepMed Handbook

S/Sx: Most pts asymptomatic. Weakness, cramping, nausea, paresthesias, palpitations,
hypovolemia) - Use LR/Plasmalyte