232 results
Recurrent Traumatic Chylothorax Management Algorithm

Dr. Udit Chaddha @udit_chaddha

#Recurrent #Traumatic #Chylothorax #Management #Algorithm #Pulmonary #Thoracic
Recurrent Traumatic ... udit_chaddha #Recurrent
Borrelia recurrentis Infection - Spirochetes were visible (arrows), a finding that suggested louseborne relapsing fever #Clinical
Borrelia recurrentis ... BorreliaRecurrentis #Borrelia #Recurrentis
Genital Herpes Simplex - CDC 2021 Treatment Guidelines
Recommended Regimens:
 • First clinical episode of genital herpes
Suppressive therapy for recurrent ... Episodic therapy for recurrent ... suppressive therapy of recurrent
Recurrent / Breakthrough DVT During Anticoagulation

Subtherapeutic Anticoagulation
Hypercoagulable State 
 - Antithrombin deficiency 
 - Hypercoagulability ot
Recurrent / Breakthrough ... #Breakthrough #Recurrent
Treatment for Acute and Recurrent Pericarditis
 • Acute Pericarditis
 • Recurrent Pericarditis
 • Tamponade
 • Constrictive
for Acute and Recurrent ... Pericarditis • Recurrent ... Treatment #Acute #Recurrent
Acyclovir - Pharmacology Summary

 • Mechanism of Action: Nucleoside analog - selectively inhibits viral replication of
Prophylaxis: Transplant, Recurrent ... HSV Keratitis, Recurrent
Miscarriage - Types and Definitions

Threatened, Inevitable, Incomplete, Missed, Recurrent

#Miscarriage #Types #Definitions #Obstetrics #Classifcation #OBGyn #Abortion
Incomplete, Missed, Recurrent
Recurrent Non-Traumatic Chylothorax Management Algorithm

Dr. Udit Chaddha @udit_chaddha

#Recurrent #NonTraumatic #Chylothorax #Management #Algorithm #Pulmonary #Thoracic
Recurrent Non-Traumatic ... udit_chaddha #Recurrent
Causes of Recurrent Pregnancy Loss - Differential Diagnosis Algorithm
 • Toxin (organic solvents, mercury, lead)
Causes of Recurrent ... Asherman's Syndrome #Recurrent
Peripheral Vertigo
Time course and symptoms characteristics are very helpful in distinguishing between causes of peripheral vertigo.
(seconds) but recurrent ... Disease: - Timing: Recurrent