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Learning about thromboelastography (TEG).
- Tom Fadial

#Diagnosis #Hematology #Coagulation #Pharmacology #Thromboelastogram #TEG #Interpretation #Thromboelastography #Laboratory
Learning about thromboelastography ... Interpretation #Thromboelastography
Diagram demonstrating TEG (thromboelastography) variables as they relate to the coagulation cascade.

Dr. Wells Brambl @DoctorWellsMD

#TEG #thromboelastography
demonstrating TEG (thromboelastography ... DoctorWellsMD #TEG #thromboelastography
Thromboelastography (TEG) Based Management
 - If R time prolonged -> FFP 
 - If MA low
Thromboelastography ... DeLoughery @Bloodman #Thromboelastography
Thromboelastography (TEG) based therapy and Management

If r time prolonged -> FFP
If MA low -> plts/cryoprecipitate (if
Thromboelastography ... @Bloodman #Thromboelastography
Recently TEG has emerged as a more integrative approach which explores both clotting factors and cellular
#Diagnosis #Thromboelastography
REBEL Review 54: Thromboelastogram (TEG) Interpretation

R Time - Time to start forming clot 
K Time -
diagnosis #components #thromboelastography
General Principle
• A small cuvette is rotated to simulate sluggish venous flow and stimulate clot
THROMBOELASTOGRAPHY ... Thromboelastogram #Thromboelastography
Thromboelastography (trademarked as TEG)
 • Graphical representation of the fibrin polymerization process
 • Point-of-care anti-coagulation monitoring
Thromboelastography ... SatyaPatelMD #Thromboelastography
Thromboelastogram Interpretation
Reaction Time (R Value):
 - Time till initiation of fibrin clot
 - Treatment: FFP, protamine
Interpretation #Thromboelastography
Thromboelastogram (TEG) Interpretation
 • R-time (R) - Time to first deviation from baseline
 • K-time (K)
Thromboelastogram #TEG #thromboelastography