20 results
Cephalic Thrombophlebitis on POCUS
Extensive thrombophlebitis post IV clarithromycin. Around 40cm of cephalic vein non-compressible. Axillary compressible.
Cephalic Thrombophlebitis ... POCUS Extensive thrombophlebitis ... #Cephalic #Thrombophlebitis
Lemierre's Syndrome (Infectious thrombophlebitis) on POCUS

History: pharyngitis
Exam: pharynx unimpressive, neck swollen unilaterally
POCUS: (above)

Dr. David Mackenzie @mackendc

Syndrome (Infectious thrombophlebitis ... Syndrome #Disease #thrombophlebitis
Greater Saphenous Vein (GSV) Thrombophlebitis on POCUS
This was a thrombophlebitis occupying the left greater saphenous vein
Saphenous Vein (GSV) Thrombophlebitis ... POCUS This was a thrombophlebitis ... Saphenous #Vein #GSV #Thrombophlebitis
Superficial Thrombophlebitis on Leg POCUS

This patient presents with leg pain. Which of the following is your
Superficial Thrombophlebitis ... this superficial thrombophlebitis ... #Superficial #Thrombophlebitis
Superficial thrombophlebitis on POCUS

30ish yo presents with R forearm arm pain and rash. Mild erythema and
Superficial thrombophlebitis ... #Superficial #thrombophlebitis
43 yo M w L ant neck swelling, pain, fever x 2 d. Got the Dx?


syndrome (infectious thrombophlebitis ... Syndrome #Disease #Thrombophlebitis
Superficial Venous Thrombophlebitis on POCUS

A patient presents with redness and tenderness over the leg (where the
Superficial Venous Thrombophlebitis ... Superficial #Venous #Thrombophlebitis
Lemierre's Syndrome - Classic Syndrome and Variations
Complication of pharyngitis, in adolescents and young adults, with septic
adults, with septic thrombophlebitis
Deep Vein Thrombosis Ultrasound Pocket Card
Deep Vein Thrombosis Scanning Sites:
 • Common Femoral Vein 
• Superficial Thrombophlebitis
Causes of Post-Partum Fever - Differential Diagnosis Algorithm
6 W's for causes of PPF
 - Wind: pneumonia,
Septic Pelvic Thrombophlebitis