20 results
Human toxocariasis forms

By Marcela Santana @Marcelaaos via Febrile [febrilepodcast.com @febrilepodcast]
#ID  #Infectious Diseases  #Infections
#Differential #Ddx
parasite #parasitic #viscerallarvamigrans ... #VLM #ocularlarvamigrans ... #OLM #neurotoxocariasis
Kidney Biopsy - Diagnosis Algorithms
1) Normal Glomerulus by LM
2) Glomerular Crescents
3) Double Contours of GBM
4) Endocapillary
Glomerulus by LM
ANKLE FRACTURES: Lauge-Hansen Classification 
- Describes position of foot and mechanism of injury. Fx
progresses from Stage
ligament tear * LM
Natural History of HIV Infection - Timeline of Progression
 • Viral Transmission → High VL (steady
Transmission → High VL ... Chronic: • Stable VL
Antinuclear antibodies and Systemic lupus
Anti-dsDNA	60-80%	Association with disease activity (when with Farr assay) and lupus nephritis. Can
Associated with SLE-SSc-AlM
Induction agents used in anesthesia play a key role in the eventual sedation of the patient,
Williams LM, Boyd
Protected Airway Intubation Pre-Brief Checklist - COVID19

2. PPE: Extended gloves, BLUE gown, N95, face
ventilations, RSI, use VL
Management Algorithm for Status Epilepticus

• Assess airway, breathing, and circulation
• Pulse oximetry
• Electrocardiogram
• Finger stick (give
Midazolam 10 mg IV/lM
Airway Intubation Checklist
GATHER/TEST EQUIPMENT: NC, BVM + PEEP Valve, Free flowing IV, EKG, SpO2 monitor, ETT
o Repeat DL/VL
Cutaneous larva migrans skin Rash
25 F recent Caribbean vacation, walked barefoot on sand and now with
CLM most commonly