STOP-BANG - Screening Mnemonic for Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA)

S - Snoring - Do you snore loudly?
T - Tiredness / Daytime Sleepiness - Do you often find yourself tired or sleepy?
O - Observed Apneas - Has anyone noticed you stop breathing during sleep?
P - High Blood Pressure - Do you have high blood pressure?
B - BMI > 35 kg/m²
A - Age > 50 years
N - Neck Circumference > 40 cm (~16 inches)
G - Gender: Male

Score 0-2: Low risk of OSA
Score 3-4: Intermediate risk of OSA
Score ≥5: High risk of OSA

#STOPBANG #Screening #Mnemonic #Obstructive #Sleep #Apnea #OSA #Pulmonary
GrepMed @GrepMed · 1 month ago
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