The Calgary Guide to Understanding Disease @TheCalgaryGuide
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Account created for The Calgary Guide to Understanding Disease - Linking pathophysiology to clinical presentation -
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195 results
Conduct Disorder (CD): Pathogenesis and clinical findings
 - Must have >3 symptoms present in the past
Conduct Disorder (CD ... >18 years old, criteria ... However, CD may ... BehavioralDisorder #Pathophysiology ... signs #psychiatry #criteria
Acute Rheumatic Fever: Pathogenesis and Clinical Findings

Delayed autoimmune reaction
-> Molecular mimicry
-> GAS antigen cross-reacts with host
auto-reactive B and CD ... RheumaticFever #pathophysiology
Diabetic Nephropathy: Pathogenesis
 - Metabolic Pathway
 - Hemodynamic Pathway

#Diabetic #Nephropathy #Diabetes #pathophysiology
Nephropathy #Diabetes #pathophysiology
Major Depressive Disorder (MDD): Pathogenesis and Clinical Findings

Symptoms (included in DSM 5 criteria) - Present during
included in DSM 5 criteria ... MoodDisorders #Diagnosis #Pathophysiology
X-linked Severe Combined Immunodeficiency (SCID): Pathogenesis and clinical findings

#SCID #SevereCombinedImmunodeficiency #XLinked #pathophysiology #immunology
SevereCombinedImmunodeficiency #XLinked #pathophysiology
Central Retinal Vein Occlusion (CRVO): Pathogenesis and clinical findings

#CentralRetinalVein #Occlusion #CRVO #pathophysiology #ophthalmology #diagnosis #signs #symptoms
Occlusion #CRVO #pathophysiology
Spondylosis - Pathogenesis and Complications

Vertebral disease that may compress the vertebral canal from all sides
Note: Do
#Spondylosis #pathophysiology
Growth Hormone Excess - Pathogenesis and clinical findings
 • Acromegaly and gigantism share the same pathophysiology
share the same pathophysiology ... endocrinology #pathophysiology
Necrotizing Fasciitis: Pathogenesis and Clinical Findings

#NecrotizingFasciitis #pathophysiology #orthopedics
NecrotizingFasciitis #pathophysiology
Stress Fracture: Pathogenesis and clinical findings
Abnormal biomechanics, Repetitive impact activities
=> Repetitive subthreshold mechanical loading
=> Bone strain
#orthopedics #pathophysiology