The Calgary Guide to Understanding Disease @TheCalgaryGuide
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Erectile Dysfunction: Pathogenesis

Erectile Dysfunction - Persistent or recurrent inability to achieve an erection sufficient to achieve
Erectile Dysfunction ... Pathogenesis Erectile ... to achieve an erection ... Psychogenic Erectile ... and rigidity Endocrinologic
Priapism: Pathogenesis

 - Post-cavernosal venous occlusion -> Post-cavernosal venous drainage is mechanically obstructed e.g. sickle cell
detumescence (erection-ending ... Priapism Prolonged erection
Graves’ Disease: Pathogenesis and Clinical Findings
B & T lymphocyte mediated autoimmunity attack TSH receptor -> Continuous
pathophysiology #endocin #endocrinology
Primary Hyperthyroidism - Pathogenesis and Clinical Findings

Note: Although rare, gestational diseases can lead to thyrotoxicosis due
Hyperthyroidism #endocrinology
Feedback Loop: Prolactin (PRL)
 • PRL levels exhibit diurnal, menstrual, and age-related variation
 • TRH has
#FeedbackLoop #endocrinology
Feedback Loop: Growth Hormone (GH)
Growth Hormone:
 • Liver -> GHR activates JAK-STAT pathway -> Incr IGF1
#FeedbackLoop #endocrinology
Menstrual Cycle Physiology: Ovarian Cycle – Brief Overview
LH and FSH are required for follicular development and
#menstruation #endocrinology
Growth Hormone Excess - Pathogenesis and clinical findings
 • Acromegaly and gigantism share the same pathophysiology
signs #symptoms #endocrinology
Menstrual Cycle Physiology: Correlating the Ovarian and Uterine Cycles
Note: Some charts show different relative levels of
pathophysiology #comparison ... #endocrinology
Menstrual Cycle Physiology: Ovarian Cycle – Ovulation Explained

Around Day 14, estrogen exerts sudden +++ positive feedback
pathophysiology #Ovulation #endocrinology