Pathnologic @pathnologic
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Herpes Simplex Virus 
 • Expanded paracortex 
 • HSV-infected cells are 
present in areas
Pathology #Microscopy #Clinical ... #LymphNode
These are oxalate crystals, which look like little envelopes (or tetrahedrons, depending upon your point of
#Clinical #Path
Peripheral Blood shows a subset of atypical lymphocytes with hairy-like cytoplasmic projection.
#Clinical #Path #BloodSmear #Blood #Smear
#Clinical #Path
A normal peripheral blood smear indicates the appropriate appearance of red blood cells, with a zone
#Clinical #Path
The arrows point to blister cells. These cells are thought to be precursors of helmet cells.
#Clinical #Path
Elliptocyte - 
Note the shape of these appropriately named erythrocytes.
In addition to hereditary elliptocytosis, elliptocytes can
#Clinical #Path
Here are very large, immature myeloblasts with many nucleoli. A distincitve feature of these blasts is
#Clinical #Path
Dacrocytes (tear drop cells) 
Other poikilocytes resemble a pear or teardrop. The narrow, tapered end
may be
#Clinical #Path
Here is another peripheral blood smear demonstrating changes with iron deficiency anemia. Note the increased zone
#Clinical #Path
Here is a lymph node that is lymphoid-depleted, fibrotic, and burned-out, typical of late phase HIV
Pathology #Microscopy #LymphNode ... #Clinical