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Neoplastic plasma cells with nucleoli (left image) and intranuclear Dutcher body (right image).

Dutcher bodies are round,
bodies are round, agranular ... appear somewhat granular ... #Intranuclear #Pathology
Trichodysplasia spinulosa: follicles plugged w/ hyperkeratotic & parakeratotic debris, excessive inner root sheath differentiation towards keratinization.
cytoplasmic trichohyalin granules ... Trichodysplasia #spinulosa #Pathology
Acute promyelocytic leukemia (blood). Typical morphologic features are bilobed ("butterfly") nuclei with dispersed chromatin, subtle to
overt cytoplasmic granules ... leukemia #APL #APML #Pathology
These are granular casts, with a roughly rectangular shape.
#Clinical #Urine #Microscopy #Granular #Casts #GranularCasts
These are granular ... #Clinical #Urine ... #Microscopy #Granular
Urine Microscopy Guide

#Diagnosis #Path #Nephrology #Urine #Microscopy #Chart #Guide #atlas
Urine Microscopy ... Path #Nephrology #Urine
Sweat gland tumors - Pathology

Made with lots of help from @JMGardnerMD's paper on adnexal tumors for
gland tumors - Pathology ... gland #tumors #Pathology
Dysplasia in Myelodysplastic Syndrome 
 - Dyserythropoiesis 
 - Dysmegakaryopoiesis 

#Dysplasias #MDS #Myelodysplastic
Myelodysplastic #Syndrome #Pathology
Salivary acinic cell carcinoma is usually an H&E diagnosis for me- but this zymogen-granule poor variant
but this zymogen-granule ... , PAS+ zymogen granules ... Cell #Carcinoma #Pathology
Post-splenectomy blood smear demonstrating Howell-Jolly bodies and target cells.

#Clinical #Pathology #BloodSmear #HowellJollyBodies #TargetCells #Splenectomy #Asplenic
#Clinical #Pathology
Here are the morphological hallmarks of Rhabdomyosarcoma.

 - Broken arrow sign 

 - tad-pole rhabdomyoblasts
Rhabdomyosarcoma #Hallmarks #Pathology