5467 results
Algorithm for Diagnosing Diastolic Dysfunction With Doppler Echocardiography
 1. Determine the age of the patient
Algorithm for Diagnosing ... 3. ... pressure (LVFP): #Algorithm ... Echocardiography #Cardiology
Atrial Fibrillation Overview

Palpitations, light-headedness, dizziness, dyspnea, exercise intolerance, chest pain, near-syncope, syncope.

1. Why?
• Valvular heart disease
• Digoxin 3. ... #Fibrillation #Cardiology ... #Management #Algorithm
Algorithm for the Management of Ventricular Tachycardia Electrical Storm
ES diagnosed (≥ 3 episodes of VT/ICD therapies
Algorithm for the ... ES diagnosed (≥ 3 ... #Tachycardia #Algorithm ... management #morphology #cardiology
How should the modified Sgarbossa Criteria be used in initial evaluation of patients with suspected AMI
Sgarbossa score ≥ 3 ... Validated) #Diagnosis #Cardiology ... LBBB #Evaluation #Algorithm
Managing warfarin INR

Warfarin dosage must be individualized according to the patient's response to the drug, and
is 2.5 (range 2-3) ... #management #algorithm ... #decisionaid #cardiology
Streptococcus Bacteremia - Indications for Echocardiogram
1) Identify the streptococci:
  - Low-risk streptococci: S. intermedius, S.
3) Does the patient ... TTE #diagnosis #cardiology ... #algorithm
Algorithm for the Evaluation of Regular, Wide-Complex Tachycardia
1. aVR: Is the initial deflection in aVR positive?
Algorithm for the ... yes, then VT. 3. ... Electrocardiogram #Diagnosis #Cardiology
VT versus SVT with Aberration - Interpretation Cheat Sheet

Features favouring VT
● Absence of typical RBBB or
Brugada algorithm ... in any V lead 3. ... Comparison #Diagnosis #Cardiology
Tachycardia - Differential Diagnosis and Management - Narrow vs Wide, Regular vs Irregular
Narrow - Regular:
Use P
• MAT. 3 types ... Diagnosis #Management #cardiology ... #wide #narrow #algorithm
Preoperative Risk Evaluation

Major Pre-Op Questions:
1. Does the patient have any modifiable risk factors that could be
3. ... brisk 4 mph walk 3. ... rhythm, new murmur 3/ ... event, follow ACC algorithm ... one post op Cardiology